Field Day 2025

Independent Radio Club

Mojave Narrows Regional Park

June 27, 2021 through June 29, 2021

Join us for the Independent Radio Club Field Day event! We will be running 2 HF phone stations and a VHF/UHF weak signal station. We plan to operate 80M to 70cm. This is a great way to try a new mode or band you haven’t had a chance to operate before. Setup begins on Friday June 27 at 11am and operating begins at 11am Saturday June 28 through 11am Sunday June 29.


We will be operating in the Mojave Narrows Regional Park in San Bernardino.

Talk in on 146.550 MHz.

We have reserved eight sites. Please let us know you want a site so we can put one aside one for you. There are electric and water hookups at each site. The campground has full toilet facilities and showers are available. Campfires are allowed in the provided fire rings. If you want us to hold a site for you MUST let us know by Monday June 23. If we don’t have enough interest to fill all of the reserved sites we are going to cancel the unused sites.

You must reserve a site by Monday June 23!

We will be having our traditional potluck dinner Saturday night. Everyone should bring a side dish and their own drinks. The club will provide the main course.

Everyone should bring the following items:

  • Food and Camping gear
  • Headphones with audio adapter
  • Flashlight or Lantern
  • Chair
  • Jacket or Warm Clothing for the evening
  • Extra Fuses!!!

You are welcome to bring your rig; however, we should have enough rigs for everyone to operate. If you plan to go, we would appreciate it if you could let us know. E-mail Ken Chafin or mail in the coupon to help us plan. To have a guaranteed site you need to pay the campground fees in advance. Any questions? E-mail Ken or call him at (818) 957-1699 or call Leon (818) 720-8331.